March 17, 2025
Former Australia's PM, Tony Abbott eating a raw onion, his signature snack. Picture by Chris Kidd | AP
Former Australia’s PM, Tony Abbott eating a raw onion, his signature snack. Picture by Chris Kidd | AP

Stories to Follow

Mediterranean refugees crisis.

European leaders are still struggling to find a solution to the immigration crisis. Tensions have been rising due to Germany’s decision to impose temporary borders two weeks after Merkel’s statement that “We WILL manage.” This comes after Hungary decided to build a razor-wire barrier and declared itself a state of emergency.

Japan’s putting boots in the ground.

The balance of power may shift yet again in East Asia as Japan has decided for the first time since World War II to increase its military presence as a counterbalance to China’s quick rise. Head down south and the Philippines are currently debating asking the US military navy to come back in their maritime territory and train their armies.

Australia’s got a new prime minister.

Head even more south to Australia where former Prime Minister Tony Abbott (leader of the center-right Liberal party) was ousted and replaced by his opponent Malcolm Turnball. He will become the fourth prime minister since 2013 in a time of economic turmoil. Unlike most of the members of his party, Malcolm Turnball is more moderate than his predecessor, taking a firm stance on climate change action and gay marriage.


Upcoming events

European Association: Welcome Back Happy Hour.
September 23rd, at 6.30 pm | The Malt House. Join the European Association for the first happy hour of the year. Happening at the Malt House for all those “who are European, from Europe, been to Europe, love Europe, never been but want to go to Europe, or just want free booze.”


From Response to Responsibility: Nepal.
Sunday 27th, 1.00 pm | The Rubin Museum of Art. Join a panel discussion on the themes of human rights and cultural integrity in post-earthquake Nepal. Dr Danilo Turk, Global Fairness Initiative Board Chair and Former President of the Republic of Slovenia and by Randy Newcomb, CEO of Humanity United, will lead this panel.


In Your Spare Time

For lovers of quant out there, enjoy BBC’s this week in numbers and for those that want to pay cheaper rent, have a look at the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s map. Finally for those interested in the US-Iran Nuclear Deal, have a look at the New York Times’ info graphic on “The Iran Deal in 200 words

If you’re sports enthusiast mixed with a bit of political worm, watch “The Two Escobars” which examines the links between drug kingpin Pablo Escobar and the Colombian soccer team led by Andrés Escobar.

This Monday Briefing was brought to you by our fact-checker, Geraldine Villeroux.

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