October 28, 2024

Immigration Policy: What Happened to the Kamala Harris We Thought We Knew?

Vice President Kamala Harris has shifted her immigration rhetoric, echoing right-wing talking points and focusing on border security and fentanyl smuggling. This marks a departure from her earlier progressive stance, raising concerns about her commitment to immigrant rights and humanitarian solutions. Critics urge Harris to leverage her background to advocate for policies that emphasize empathy, such as improving the asylum process and providing better resources for migrant care. By presenting a bold, compassionate vision for immigration reform, she can restore trust among her supporters and distinguish herself from opponents.

Kamala Harris speaking at a protest against immigration deterrent policies(2018) J. Scott Applewhite/AP

Vice President Kamala Harris’s recent pivot on immigration policy has left many supporters bewildered and disheartened. Once a beacon of progressive values, Harris now echoes rhetoric more aligned with right-wing talking points, raising eyebrows across the political spectrum.

Harris’s recent appearance on the daytime political talk show “The View” only served to further muddy the waters. During the show, she stated, “In addition to what we’ve done since day one in trying to strengthen the border, we took further action in terms of executive action. We have seen illegal immigration reduced by half; the intake of fentanyl reduced by half.” This assertion, along with statements made during the campaign’s recent media blitz, has left many wondering: What happened to the Kamala Harris we thought we knew?

The Vice President’s departure from her earlier stance on border issues is further highlighted by her outspoken support for Biden’s Border Security Bipartisan Senate bill. This proposed legislation, which failed to pass, would have allocated an additional $20 billion to enhance security measures along the Southern Border. Moreover, it aimed to tighten restrictions for asylum seekers, representing a significant shift from Harris’s previously more liberal approach to immigration.

In 2018 during the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing on the nominations of Ronald D. Vitiello, Harris had called out I.C.E.’s conduct and their treatment of illegal immigrants. Gone are the days when Harris championed immigrant rights and challenged the status quo. 

Instead, we’re treated to a watered-down version of her former self, who seems more concerned with appeasing moderates than standing up for the vulnerable. It’s a far cry from the prosecutor who once vowed to take on the system and fight for those without a voice.

By invoking her prosecutorial past when discussing border issues, she’s playing right into the hands of those who seek to demonize immigrants. It’s a dangerous game, one that ignores the complex realities of migration and the human cost of our broken immigration system.  Let’s be clear: the myth of the criminal immigrant is just that – a myth. Numerous studies have debunked this harmful stereotype, yet Harris’s rhetoric, reflected by her discussion of and focus on cracking down on fentanyl smuggling, inadvertently breathes new life into it. 

The current rhetoric surrounding immigration from both major political parties, including Vice President Kamala Harris’s recent statements, fails to address the core humanitarian issues at stake. Contrary to the prevailing narrative, illegal immigrants do not pose a significant threat to national security. Instead, the situation at the border represents a humanitarian crisis that demands a compassionate and understanding response.

We need compassion, not crackdowns. We need understanding, not ultimatums. We need humanitarian aid, not heightened security. Instead of accepting and perpetuating right-wing rhetoric, Harris should emphasize the human stories behind migration and advocate for policies that streamline the asylum process to ensure fair and timely hearings. 

Harris could champion specific policy proposals, including establishing regional processing centers where federal agencies and NGOs collaborate to process, coordinate releases, and provide effective case management for newly-arrived migrants. In 2023, Congress allotted $2.8 billion to Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention centers, while only providing $800 million to support local governments and NGOs providing care and processing arriving migrants. 

She could advocate for increasing resources to improve the humanitarian processing and transportation of migrants and reduce overcrowding. Harris should be advocating for policies that streamline the legal immigration process, provide a clear path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants already living in the country, and reform the asylum system to ensure fair and humane treatment of applicants. 

In a recent WSJ swing state’s poll, Trump was ahead on immigration, the economy, and inflation, while Harris had a lead in healthcare and ‘cares for people like you’, highlighting that Harris preforms the strongest when she follows messaging consistent with left leaning rhetoric and policy. Her attempts to walk this tightrope have resulted in a muddled message that satisfies neither progressives nor conservatives, leaving her vulnerable to criticism from all sides. 

By adopting a tougher stance on border security and immigration, Harris is failing to differentiate herself from her opponents, giving herself a disadvantage on winning the issue.  

Harris has a unique opportunity to make voters see that migrants are just like them – individuals seeking safety, opportunity, and a better life for their families. By sharing personal stories and emphasizing our shared humanity, she can help shift public perception and build empathy for those caught in a broken immigration system.

Imagine a Kamala Harris who uses her unique position as the daughter of immigrants to challenge harmful stereotypes. Who speaks truth to power and offers a vision of immigration reform rooted in compassion and common sense. Who energizes her base while appealing to the better angels of our nature. That’s the leader America needs right now. Instead, we’re left with a pale imitation, a politician more concerned with poll numbers than principles. 

It’s a betrayal not just of her supporters but of the very ideals that brought her to prominence in the first place. The time for half-measures is over. Kamala Harris must take a stand. She must offer a bold, unapologetic vision for immigration reform that addresses the root causes of migration, provides humane solutions for those seeking refuge, and upholds America’s legacy as a country built by immigrants. By embracing this approach, she can only hope to restore trust among those who once believed in her vision for America’s future. 

In taking this stance, Harris can energize her base, democratic party voters, and appeal to the broader electorate hungry for authentic leadership on this complex issue. Her current strategy of equivocation and moderation is not just a moral misstep – it’s a political miscalculation.

In attempting to play it safe, she’s inadvertently ceding ground to more extreme voices and giving Trump and his allies a better chance at victory. By praising Biden’s border bill and discussing fentanyl trafficking related arrests when asked about her plan for the border, she is not only harming migrants but also does a disservice to her campaign. The American people are yearning for a leader who can offer real solutions, not just soundbites. 

By presenting a clear, compassionate, and comprehensive immigration plan, Harris can distinguish herself from her opponents and potentially swing crucial votes. It’s time for her to realize that authentic leadership—and electoral success—lies not in cautious centrism but in bold, principled action that addresses the real needs of immigrants and American citizens alike.

The ball is in your court, Vice President. 

Cameron Roberts, Managing Editor

Makenzie Rodrigues, Copy Editor

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