October 26, 2024

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan greeted supporters outside a polling station in Istanbul on Sunday. Picture by Dimitar Dilkoff | AFP

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan greeted supporters outside a polling station in Istanbul on Sunday. Picture by Dimitar Dilkoff | AFP
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan greeted supporters outside a polling station in Istanbul on Sunday. Picture by Dimitar Dilkoff | AFP

Stories to follow

Erdogan remains in power.
On Sunday, Erdogan’s party, A.K.P, secured the majority of the Turkish Parliament. Recent months have seen considerable violence, instability, and political turmoil in Turkey. Although the victory will unite the country’s politics, it is unlikely to unite society, as the public’s sentiments have become deeply polarized.

Iran, Russia, and the United States sit down to talk about Syria
The United States recently brokered an agreement between the major actors in Syria, including Russia and Iran, to take steps towards reaching a political resolution in the country. The United States also announced it would send a Special Operations team to Northern Syrian.

China’s only children will now have siblings 
China has ended its one-child policy in an attempt to revive its aging population and labor force.

Greenland’s ice sheet is melting
Check out The Times’ report complete with reader-reactive maps and stunning footage captured by a drone. 

Speaking of drones…
Due to the increasing number of unmanned vehicles in the sky, the FAA will likely begin talks this week with pilots, Google, Amazon, and law enforcement officials to figure out how to register drones, thus making the airspace more safe and secure. Military UAV’s are a different story. Click here to read The Daily Beast’s article about “Sparkle”- the female Chris Kyle of the skies.

Upcoming Events

Gender & Inequality: Work, Care, and Human Rights in Global Perspective
Monday, 11/2, 6:30pm: The Graduate Center, 365 5th Ave. Leading thinkers grapple with the major issues surrounding women’s rights and gender equality. Globally, there have been important gains in education, in the labor market, and in leadership positions for women. Yet glaring gender gaps remain in earnings, access to social security, and the division of paid and unpaid care work. Hear from five experts whose work spans a wide range of research and activism.

Economically Sustainable and Socially Impactful: Building a Business that Thrives in Both Worlds
Tuesday, 11/3, 7pm. Eisner & Lublin Auditorium, Kimmel Center, 60 Washington Square South, 4th Floor

ISIS Online
Wednesday, 11/4, 7pm: 9/11 Memorial Museum presents ISIS Online: A discussion between Scholar Cole Bunzel and The Atlantic contributing editor Graeme Wood on the Islamic State’s strategic use of the Internet, including social media, to instill fear and recruit supporters. They will also address how jihadis use the Internet and what might be an appropriate response to their tactics.

In Your Spare Time

October is over, but if you still have a craving for all things pumpkin check out some of these recipes that’ll help keep your pumpkin addiction in check. If you have a pumpkin hanging around your apartment don’t let it go to waste! Fresh pumpkin is surprisingly delicious and can be used in the recipes instead of canned puree—and you can roast the seeds!

Midterms got you down and out? Listen to some world-class electric blues at Terra Blues at 149 Bleecker Street on Wednesday night. The Chuck Lambert Band, a Village institution, goes on at 10pm.

Congratulations to all those who participated in the NYC Marathon! If watching from the sidelines is more your thing, did you experience the waterfall effect after watching the runners run by?

This week’s Monday Briefing was brought to you by Morgan Quinn.

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