September 7, 2024
Protestors gather outside Kentucky’s Capitol on April 15,2020 to express discontent with lockdown and social distancing measures. Location: Frankfort, Kentucky. Photo from USA Today.

Stories to Follow

State Level Stay At Home Orders Spark Protests: In the U.S., extensions of the stay at home orders sparked protest.  Governors in New York, Wisconsin, and other states extended the orders past the federal deadline. In the last week, people gathered in the streets, yelled from their cars, and held signs saying that they have had enough. Food bank lines serve thousands and unemployment is continuing to climb. But, the state governments can’t say when things will be back to normal. President Trump stands with protestors and even encourages them. He said Saturday that some governors are too strict, and Trump’s economics advisors suggested on Friday that states reopen now. However, state governments refuse to consider opening measures until they have more information about testing and the arc of the pandemic’s spread.

Nicaragua’s Ortega Reappears after a Month of Absence: The government of Nicaragua refuses to adopt social distancing or lockdown measures. They continue to hold public gatherings, soccer matches, and beauty pageants, while businesses also remain open. Nicaragua reports only nine cases, but many question the validity of the reports. After refusing to implement lockdown measures, Ortega disappeared for over a month. Many wondered if Ortega himself had fallen ill. Finally, Ortega returned to the public on April 15th. He says that Nicaragua would remain open, refusing international pressures to lockdown. Ortega also stands up to the U.S., and said the pandemic is a sign to surrender nuclear arms and invest in health care. He said that weapons of mass destruction and the history’s largest military (the U.S. military) saves no lives and makes no one safer. He even called the pandemic a “sign from God” that the U.S. should reevaluate how it keeps its people safe.

Happening This Week

#NYUTogether: A Gathering for Strength and Hope | April 20, 2020 | 5:30pm

The NYU Community is invited to reflect on the power and resistance of NYU during this difficult time. The event is hosted by the NYU Global Spiritual Life center. Speakers include chaplains, student leaders, and mindfulness experts. Learn more and RSVP here.

NYU Center for Global Affairs: The Future of US Foreign Policy | April 21, 2020 at 4:30pm

The NYU Center for Global Affairs will host a virtual panel on the future of U.S. Foreign Policy. Guests include Anne-Marie Slaughter, the CEO of New America, and Gideon Rose, an editor at Foreign Affairs. Learn more and register here.

In Your Free Time

I have taken to baking during quarantine; maybe you have too. The same old banana bread recipe gets old eventually. Here is a list of 50 creative bread recipes! There is certainly something for everyone to get excited about, from pear bread to sweet potato bread. But, this Nutella banana bread recipe may be unbeatable.

This week’s Monday Briefing was brought to you by Jessie Wall.

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