July 16, 2024

President Obama after lighting the White House Christmas tree | Photo by Getty Images courtesy of CNN

President Obama after lighting the White House Christmas tree | Photo by Getty Images courtesy of CNN
President Obama after lighting the White House Christmas tree | Photo by Getty Images courtesy of CNN

Dear JPI Community,

Here’s wishing you a restful holiday, as JPI takes a short break from publishing over the next few weeks. Thanks to all of you who have written, commented, shared and read our publications over the last semester. Over the last 4 months, we have published more articles than we ever have before, and helped bring students’ expertise and experience to some of the most pressing political questions around the world.

From the women in ISIS, to the uneven responsibilities of peacekeeping, to the case against Lebanon’s political system, to of course the most recent US election, if you haven’t already, please read below the thought-provoking articles produced by Master’s students from the NYU community. And, of course, don’t miss out on the Fall 2016 edition of our Journal, put together by a dedicated team of writers and editors throughout the semester.

We hope you will join us next year as we continue to unpack some of the thorniest political dilemmas from around the globe.

Warmest Regards,

Clare Church & Prianka Srinivasan
Editor in Chief & Deputy Web Editor

One in Three Native American Women Report Rape – Rarely See Justice – Clare Church

Kent State Massacre’s Twin: 40 Years Later and 8000 Miles Away, Why Don’t We Care? – Prianka Srinivasan

Western Women in ISIS: Naïve Victims, or Violent Terrorists? – Danielle Warren

Who is Britain’s new Prime Minister? – Esme Montgomery

Caught between two goals: Turkey’s Conflicting Quest for Sustainability and Economic Development – Clare Busch

Insights | Is Footing the Peacekeeping Bill Enough? – Kyle Walker

The Hazards of Hillary – Ionut Gitan

Insights | A Leaderless Movement: Gordon Brown on Globalization – Clare Church

Governments at the Table, NGOs on the Sidelines – Esme Montgomery

Surge in US Citizenship Applications as Immigrants Demand the Vote – Ionut Gitan

The Case for Hillary Clinton – Gabriela Alvarez

The Case for Donald J. Trump – Daniel Kurzyna

Insights | Gay, Palestinian, Israeli: Caught between conflicting identities – Simone Somekh

Lebanon’s Confessionalism is a Bulwark Against Democracy – Soraya Hamdan

The Contested US Intelligence Community: Why Limiting its Role Would be a Blunder – Doreen Horschig


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